The challenges of throwing the biggest car show in America

How hard is it to put on the biggest and best car show event in Texas? Answer: It is harder, because we do not have the large crowd of exhibitors, and because we have less capacity for cars in the parking lot we hold the event at. Donk Contest founder Deykon Harris does not believe the event should have tons of exhibitors taking money for products at the event. He wants it to be accessible for all families to visit the event and enjoy it without breaking the bank. Thanks to our wonderful partners and sponsors this event is possible in direct reactance to Deykon’s vision. Please do not show up if you are not ready to have fun or expose yourself to new cultures. This event will be held at the Capital Plaza Shopping Center in Austin, Texas. It takes place on the Saturday of Texas Relays Weekend each year. It is a tradition going back for a couple of decades. A few years ago, a gentleman with a few dollars in his account bought a car that he knew very well was a contender for the Donk Contest. That man turned his small investment into a large profit. That man would not only profit from this but would give back to the community. We thank the organizers of the Donk Contest for providing such service to community and world. The Donk Contest and its organizers have given the community something to be proud of. They have provided the community with a great source of pleasure, information, and insight into culture. This event will be held for generations. Acknowledgements and thanks to the sponsors and partners. Deykon, and his associates, are grateful for their support of our event and the efforts of the community . We are all humbled by their support and are extremely appreciative of the opportunity and opportunities presented by this event. Our thanks also go to the Governor of Texas. Governor Abbott has been a big supporter of the culture and we support him. We would also like to thank the other participants of the Donk Contest.
Texas Relays Car Show Capital Plaza

– Max